Looking Forward, Looking Back

Now that my 365 project is done, it’s time to look forward to what’s next. This year, instead of doing a project every single day, I plan to do a more elaborate project every single week. I suppose that will make it a 52 project. I won’t be doing blog posts every single day, but I plan to post about my creative process, project planning, artists that inspire me, and, of course, my own projects.

I’m also welcoming people to submit their own creative works. If you’re interested in being featured, you can learn how to submit you project here.

Of course, it’s also fun to look back. In the last year, I’ve done 366 different projects. Some have been good, some have been great, and some have been, well, just okay.

Below you’ll find my favorite 10 projects from 2012.

1. I really enjoy making collages and this one, Deer Chicago, was really one of my first attempts. Love the results.

2. This is a drawing of the El stop near my house. It’s called California El Stop.

3. One of my favorite projects this year was my video of everything I’ve done this year. Kinda meta.

4. I really enjoyed doing my photography posts. This one, Day in Wisconsin, was definitely a favorite.

5. I did many cooking posts, including this one about Black Bean Soup. It was a huuuuge batch of soup and turned out quite tasty.

6. My neighbor has a rather nice and rather goofy-looking dog. It inspired me to draw this Boston Terrier.

7. Around halloween, I got inspired to draw many creepy characters such as this Cosby Skeleton.

8. During 2012, I made my first ever animation in the form of a Flip Book. It was very fun to do.


9. Even though I don’t have any real sound equipment, I recorded a few of the songs I wrote last year. Here’s one called Goodbye Summer.


10. Last but not least is my collage of Rose Byrne. It doesn’t really look like her, but I think it turned out pretty cool.