Dawn of a New Age

Moon rising over hotelIt has been a while since I’ve made a collage (I think the last one was my Deer Chicago piece) so I was excited to make these collages earlier this week during an art night with some friends.

The following piece is my boyfriend’s favorite. He likes the kid jumping off of the diving board into the pool of space. I think my favorite is the one of the man and the woman with the galaxy behind them. I love how excited the woman is. She is so INTO that galaxy.

I’m curious–do you have a favorite? Which one?

Collage of a pool and space

Woman and man look at galaxy

Woman peers out at galaxy Pool and spaceCollage of Jupiter and a vintage hotelWoman view from below with space in background

Mask, City, Leg Man


My project for the first week of 2013 was to make some collages. Because my printer is out of ink, I decided that I was going to have to work only with the fashion magazines I had at home. This made things quite challenging since I had a limited palette of images to work with instead of the entire internet. But I suppose this was good because it forced me to be creative and also made me think about all the things I will probably print out and use in future collages.

CityLeg Man

These collages definitely turned out a little weird, though. Have you made any weird art recently? Feel free to share links.

Day 305: Pumpkin Head Bird Trainer

Pumpkin Head

Tonight, I made this rather random pumpkin head bird trainer guy. This piece came about as I was looking through a free booklet of photography I got at one of the museums in Barcelona. There was a picture of a bird trainer in it, which I thought was already kind of weird. I decided it would be fun to make it weirder.

Day 67: Meteor Shower

Meteor ShowerPossibly motivated by the apocalyptic-sounding wind storm going on outside my window, tonight I did a paper collage of a meteor shower. Even though it looks simple, it took a lot of patience and gluey fingers. I’m happy with the results, though. Actually, I kinda love it!

Day 55: Abstracts

Abstract Scan

Abstract Scan Blue

Abstract Scan Sepia

I did a fun little project tonight with my scanner. First, I cut out shapes from a magazine, pasted them on a white piece of paper, and drew some black lines. Then, I put the paper on the scanner and pulled it up an down and scooted it around a little to add texture. After, I used Picasa to up the saturation and contrast and change the colors around. Yay!

Day 52: Rose Byrne

Rose Byrne Collage

For some reason, this little doodle inspired me to make a collage with white paper on a dark background tonight. Because I have a girl crush on Rose Byrne, I make the collage of her. Considering I didn’t sketch her face out in advance, I’m pretty content with how it turned out. It almost looks like her.

Day 51: Deer Chicago

Chicago Collage

I did a call on Facebook a few weeks ago for ideas on what to make for my blog, and my friend Kat suggested I make a collage. Since I hadn’t made a collage since grade school, I figured my Presidents’ Day holiday would be perfect for investing a bit of time in it. I like the results! The vintage Chicago photo that I used is credited to Charles Cushman, an Indiana University alum that donated 14,500 kodachrome color slides to the school. Check out this slideshow to see samples of his work.

Oh, and I took the photo of the deer during a walk on the North Branch Trail yesterday.

Finally, if you have any suggestions of things I should make, let me know in the comments!