Dawn of a New Age

Moon rising over hotelIt has been a while since I’ve made a collage (I think the last one was my Deer Chicago piece) so I was excited to make these collages earlier this week during an art night with some friends.

The following piece is my boyfriend’s favorite. He likes the kid jumping off of the diving board into the pool of space. I think my favorite is the one of the man and the woman with the galaxy behind them. I love how excited the woman is. She is so INTO that galaxy.

I’m curious–do you have a favorite? Which one?

Collage of a pool and space

Woman and man look at galaxy

Woman peers out at galaxy Pool and spaceCollage of Jupiter and a vintage hotelWoman view from below with space in background

Yosemite Moment: Water

It’s been quite a while since I shared something, but I’m very excited to share a video I made for work. It’s a short video with visuals of Yosemite and water flowing within the park.

Note: if you’re interested in visiting Yosemite, check out YosemitePark.com for info about lodging and activities.

Doodles of Guys

FriendThese are a few of the doodles that I’ve done over the past few weeks, which all happen to be of men. The first one was originally going to be of my friend, Tony, but I quickly gave up on the idea because he was having a conversation with people and I couldn’t really get a good look at him.


This second doodle, which I did on the plane ride home from Argentina, is of Jim. I think it’s funny because it looks like Jim, but a sort of alternate universe Jim where he has a longer head.ManThis last one I did during a meeting at work. Perhaps some of my co-workers will recognize it 🙂

Glacier Doodle

Glacier Doodle

During our travels to Buenos Aires and Patagonia, I made several doodles to pass the time. Although this one looks simple, it probably took me about two hours to make it. Jim says it looks like a maze of glaciers. After finishing it, I realized he was right, which is weird because I started it before I’d ever even seen a glacier.

I’m Back

Hello! Sorry it’s been so long since my last post! In case you’re curious why it’s been so long, I’ve got two reasons.

First, I just returned from a two week trip in Argentina (it was amazing!) Below you’ll find some of the “how-many-sleeps-until-my-trip” graphics I made and used as Facebook wall cover photos before I left. The “sleeps” concept is something my boss’ son used to use when he was little and excited about a trip or the like. Always thought it was cute.

My second reason for not posting is a little less legit. I was finding it too difficult/stressful to actually do one big project a week, I guess because I was busy with my job, preparing for my South America trip, and this 21-day cooking challenge that I was doing.

Because I want to keep this blog going, I’m going to go back to posting small projects for now, and then hopefully have some bigger projects interspersed. This will definitely take the pressure off and somehow leave me a lot more room for creativity and inspiration.

Annnnyways, I’ll be posting more from my Argentina trip in the upcoming days. Can’t WAIT to go through all the pictures!

16 Sleeps

10 Sleeps

3 Sleeps

Mask, City, Leg Man


My project for the first week of 2013 was to make some collages. Because my printer is out of ink, I decided that I was going to have to work only with the fashion magazines I had at home. This made things quite challenging since I had a limited palette of images to work with instead of the entire internet. But I suppose this was good because it forced me to be creative and also made me think about all the things I will probably print out and use in future collages.

CityLeg Man

These collages definitely turned out a little weird, though. Have you made any weird art recently? Feel free to share links.

A Few Doodles

BubblesThis week, I’ve made a few doodles here and there. I guess I’m used to doodling since I was doing it almost every night.

Bubbles Triangle Doodle 2  Triangle DoodleUnrelated, Clare from the blog So Many Crafts So Little Time nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger / One Lovely Blog award. Thanks so much Clare!

Here’s the badge I’ll be adding to my sidebar to commemorate my nomination. Thanks to Cristi from Bent on Better Lunches for combining the two original badges into one. Very convenient!


The conditions of receiving this award are:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you.
  2. Add The One Lovely Blog Award / The Very Inspiring Blogger Award to your post.
  3. Share 7 things about yourself.
  4. Pass the award on to 10 nominees.
  5. Include this set of rules.
  6. Inform your nominees by posting a comment on their blogs.

Seven Things About Me

Here are seven entirely random things about me:

  1. I love to travel and have been t0 16 different countries. In February it will be 17 countries because my boyfriend and I are headed to Argentina!
  2. I’m allergic to cats, which is very sad because I like them.
  3. I used to have another blog called Life Less Plastic, which documented my two year experiment in giving up plastic. I got lots of attention for it, and was even on CNN!
  4. I don’t like cheesecake.
  5. I love chocolate.
  6. I’m a huge hot springs enthusiast and have been in hot springs in several different U.S. states and in a few different countries, as well. There’s something amazingly beautiful about sitting in a hot pool of water in an entirely natural setting, maybe even of the middle of some ancient forest. It’s a wonderful experience.
  7. I love baking my own bread! I think it’s magic!

Ten Nominees

Here are the ten blogs I’d like to nominate for the award:

  1. Sarah Takes Pictures – http://sarahtakespictures.com/
  2. Make and Do Girl – http://makeanddogirl.com/
  3. Thefty – http://thefty.wordpress.com/
  4. Kevein Geiger – http://kevingeiger.wordpress.com/
  5. Melange of Life – http://melangeoflife.wordpress.com/
  6. Art by Anto – http://artbyanto.com/
  7. Lady Lira – http://ladylira.com/
  8. Making Games – http://rmatey.wordpress.com/
  9. What Handsome Things – http://handsomethings.com/
  10. Black Crow White Owl – http://blackcrowwhiteowl.com/

Yay! Thanks again, Clare!